Battle Royale; Gremlins; Gremlins 2: The New Batch; Lord of the Rings, The: Return of the King; Night at the Museum; One Missed Call Series; Suicide Club; Suicide Squad (2016)
Harry Potter: Ron Weasley
Pretty in Pink: Blane McDonnagh and Andie Walsh; V for Vendetta: V and Evey Hammond
Karate Kid, The: Mr. Miyagi
Batman: The Joker and Harley Quinn
Karate Kid, The (1984); Top Gun
Brokeback Mountain; Cinderella (2015); Cocktail; Pretty in Pink; Sixteen Candles; X-Men series
It: Pennywise
Hannibal Lecter series: Clarice Starling; Star Wars: Grand Admiral Thrawn
Hush... Hush Sweet Charlotte