About the Network
TheMovieListings.org is a fanlistings network inspired by the grand-daddy of fanlistings web directories,
TheFanlistings.org. We approve fanlistings for Movies, Movie Characters, and Movie Relationships. Those are the only three categories at this network. No other subjects will be listed here.
This site also gives people an opportunity to possibly be approved for a (movies, characters, relationships) subject that someone else may have been approved for at another network, and this way you may still get the chance to have your listing approved and listed at a network. However, if someone has a listing that is already listed at TheFanlistings.org, or any similar network, they are still allowed to apply for it at TheMovielistings.org, and in that case, the owner may even supply the URL of that site as their example.
We decided on the name The Movielistings Network because this network deals specifically with movie related subjects. We also came to the conclusion that any other name we thought of to cover our three categories, would be entirely too long.
If you have any questions, please feel free to
contact us.