Frodo Lives!

Hello, and welcome to World Spins Madly On, the TFL.Org and TheMovielistings.Org-approved fanlisting and small online tribute to Frodo Baggins, main protagonist of JRR Tolkien's extraordinary trilogy The Lord of the Rings, and the various movies based upon it. Frodo is, hands down and far away my absolute favourite fictional character of all time, no ifs, ands, or buts, so I'm absolutely delighted and honoured to be running his fanlisting. If you are a fan of this brave and selfless hobbit as well, please do add your name to the list!

You are viewing version 1 of World Spins Madly On, titled afterthoughts, for no reason whatsoever, or maybe every reason in the world. The title was inspired by the Weepies' song of the same name (which just screams post-quest Frodo, to me), it opened on 26 December, 2020 -- exactly 19 years after the original release date of The Fellowship of the Ring in cinemas in Australia. ♥

This site is made with love, and is a smaller part of my larger Frodo shrine, Fairer Than Most. This layout should be viewable on all devices, browsers, and resolutions, but if not, please email me a screenshot and I'll see if I can fix it.